Saturday, November 27, 2010

Late...Again. Story of my life!

Thanksgiving was getting close, then it was here, and now....gone! How fast has this holiday season started and Christmas will be here in 27 days. All I can do is cross my eyes and shake my read as a response to that! I was able to kick off my holiday with a 2 1/2 day work week which was sweet. Thursday, we went to my grandmother's house in Franklin where I proceeded to eat way too much as if I could somehow squirrel away some of this yummy food for a later date!
I stayed the night at Cool Springs with a couple of girlfriends so we could get up and just be there for the Black Friday shopping. Toys 'R Us opened at ten o'clock Thursday night and we had a bright idea to go ahead and hit that store to mark if off the Friday list. HAHAHAHAHAHA We found out real quick that the joke was on us. The line to get into the store was over a block and half long. We decided to bail and get back to the hotel to rest up. Black Friday shopping rendered much success and I would venture to say I was able to complete 80% of my shopping without a list, itinerary or agenda.
I have unfortunately discovered that Michael gets harder and harder to shop for the older he gets. He is technically out of the toy stage and is getting incredibly picky over his clothes. I would see a shirt and think 'that's a nice shirt' then the more I would look at it the more I began to second guess his approval of said clothing item. Needless to say, not a lot of clothes purchased for him Friday...he is going to have to start liking to shop if he wants to pick out his own things. (he was reading this as I was typing and just informed me he will never like to shop) I guess we shall see.
I am almost finished with decorating the house for Christmas. I just need to get the downstairs 'adult tree' bought and decorated followed by putting the big 4 foot wreath over the front door...oh....and wrapping lights around my awesomely large cypress trees!!

1. Three things I must have on my Thanksgiving table: mashed potatoes, moist dressing and turnip greens.

2. A couple of Sundays ago I watched movies with the boys sacked out on the couch.

3. This is becoming too complicated at times...I wish it could be done with so I can move on.

4. I have become a little obsessed when I decorate the house for Christmas.

5. Oh, man, thankfully it's almost Christmas and my shopping list is getting shorter.

6. I will perfect the art of movie making. ;)

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to sorting through all the gifts and hoping one child doesn't have more than another, tomorrow my plans include putting a big dent in the decorating of the house and Sunday, I want to spend time with my boys and pick out our real tree to put downstairs!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Weekend Update With Yours Truly

Well, I survived the week being an assistant short, thankfully I had a dear friend who was able to see ten visits which helped immensely. Now, I get to suffer through a (hopefully) 2 day work week in preparation for Thanksgiving and our annual Black Friday extravaganza. Suffer? I think not.

Mom has suffered a small set back in her recovery. She was diagnosed with cellulitis in her right breast and has been put on antibiotics. Hopefully this will clear everything up and forward movement can once again resume.

I am having a hard time believing it is Thanksgiving already. The entire year started.....then all of a was gone. I have only bought one present for far behind. I am actually going to start putting up Christmas decorations this weekend to prepare for my bunko group coming here for the December play time. So exciting.
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and stays well!

1. Why does everything you want in life have to be so damn complicated to obtain.

2. I want it to be you and me free to see the world.

3. Thank you for letting me be so open about anything without judgement.

4. Christmas is my favorite holiday because all the twinkly lights, a beautiful tree, the actual reason for the season, and the magical way it is viewed in the eyes of a child.

5. I am SO glad this week is over and excited for next week for many, many reasons. ;)

6. Whatever will be is what we make up our minds to be.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to our usual pizza/family time with the possible movie...I have this strange sensation to watch Beetlejuice, tomorrow my plans include finishing my window washing and performing other ancillary tasks around the house and Sunday, I want to watch my beautiful children sing at church followed by taking the kids to see mom for her birthday!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday Update.....

  • Mom continues to do fabulous following her mastectomy a little over two weeks ago. She started back to work (she telecommutes) the Monday following her surgery and is unstoppable. That is a good word to describe her. I sometimes think I have a little of the unstoppable gene in me but not near the dose she does. I am very very proud of her.
  • Soccer and cross country are both finished for the season and I am not quite for sure what to do with all my down time. I guess I will try to spend more time doing the little things around the house that no one likes to do and facilitating some things in the house to possibly get it ready to go on the market in the spring.
  • Michael is growing into quite a young man. Now that he is pulling it together in school (thanks to his ADD medicine) he is starting to excel in his guitar playing and his saxophone playing. I am very impressed with how quickly he has taken up with these instruments and now he is wanting to learn how to play drums. I am not sure if he needs to take on another instrument but we shall see. I would hate to stifle any type of musical interest since it is so important to me. Did I mention that he HAS to listen to NPR every night while he is in bed?
  • One of my assistants is off next week so my life will officially be hell. Greg sees the patient load of 1 1/2 therapists so when he goes on vacation.....well lets just say.....NIGHTMARE! I hope he just has a miserable time in Jamaica!!! (kidding Greg, I know you read this!)

1. When pigs fly the majority of the people will start earning living instead of walking around with their hand out with a feeling of entitlement.

2. Seventy-five degrees one day and fifty the next....seriously?!

3. Call me Ishmael.

4. I don't know why I like to do that all the time if you know what I mean.

5. The most entertaining person in my life is I surely cannot pick just one because there are so many fabulous people in my life that offer many talents and humor in their own unique way....I simply cannot narrow it down to one person.

6. I will never back down when I know I am absolutely right, who's next?

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going out and eating a little Mexican food along with a glass of sangria, tomorrow my plans include cleaning a fish tank, going to Old Navy, going to Kohls with a grand finale of a MUCH needed girl's night out at Spankie's and Sunday, I want to go to Sunday school and then hole up in the house for the day!

Friday, November 5, 2010

You Know What Day It Is

I know this sounds silly but I have been quite unmotivated with all aspects of my life this week. I think it is the onset of winter and the dreary weather we have had. I am hoping my spirits will pick up some toward the end of the weekend when it's supposed to be sunny and in the low 70's. I knew when I was complaining about the oppressive heat this past summer that I would have to eat a little crow. Well, I am eating it by heaping spoonfuls.

1. Sometimes, I wonder what I was specifically put on Earth to do, will I ever discover what that is or am I already realizing it and just not aware.

2. I wish someone could help me find answers and solutions about this whole thing.

3. Small good deeds and/or thoughts go way further than extravagant and showy ones.

4. Self reflection and quiet time is very enlightening.

5. I keep meaning to make changes in my home, life and my surroundings in general but I am still not certain what those changes need to be.

6. I don't know how to get my life where I want it to go...yet.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a quiet dinner with the family at my in-laws as a pre-celebration of Mike's birthday, tomorrow my plans include freezing my butt off in 30 degree weather at 8:30 in the morning at the soccer field followed by going out sans children to celebrate Mike's actual birthday and Sunday, I want to visit my mom in Hermitage and let her spend some time with the kids...she hasn't seen them in over 2 weeks and she is having withdrawals!