Friday, November 5, 2010

You Know What Day It Is

I know this sounds silly but I have been quite unmotivated with all aspects of my life this week. I think it is the onset of winter and the dreary weather we have had. I am hoping my spirits will pick up some toward the end of the weekend when it's supposed to be sunny and in the low 70's. I knew when I was complaining about the oppressive heat this past summer that I would have to eat a little crow. Well, I am eating it by heaping spoonfuls.

1. Sometimes, I wonder what I was specifically put on Earth to do, will I ever discover what that is or am I already realizing it and just not aware.

2. I wish someone could help me find answers and solutions about this whole thing.

3. Small good deeds and/or thoughts go way further than extravagant and showy ones.

4. Self reflection and quiet time is very enlightening.

5. I keep meaning to make changes in my home, life and my surroundings in general but I am still not certain what those changes need to be.

6. I don't know how to get my life where I want it to go...yet.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a quiet dinner with the family at my in-laws as a pre-celebration of Mike's birthday, tomorrow my plans include freezing my butt off in 30 degree weather at 8:30 in the morning at the soccer field followed by going out sans children to celebrate Mike's actual birthday and Sunday, I want to visit my mom in Hermitage and let her spend some time with the kids...she hasn't seen them in over 2 weeks and she is having withdrawals!

1 comment:

Crystal said... hubby has a bday this weekend too! His is on Sunday, and we're going to the boat races! Yippee!

Hope you're weekend has been great!