This has been an extremely hectic week full of all of our usual activities compiled with Michael starting 5th grade. I cannot believe my eldest is already in middle school. When did this happen?
I remind him every day, much to his chagrin I am sure, about responsibility. He will be changing classes seven times a day and be responsible for a locker. I cannot believe how they rip the children out of the sanctity of elementary school and throw them into a 5-8th middle school. I feel children without armpit hair should be separated from children with armpit hair. Further more on my digression...if you are developing armpit hair as a boy or anything resembling breasts as a girl, you butt should not be on any type of frog slide at the YMCA or any waterpark for that matter. Ok, I am finished. Michael is also on the cross country (CC) team at his new school and they practice three days a week. I am not looking forward to soccer starting because life as we know it will be over. Guitar lessons one day a week, cross country 3 days a week, soccer practice one day a week and one cross country meet/one soccer game on the weekend. Goodbye life, goodbye free time.
It has been interesting to let Michael go a little and delve into things he is interested in. He has taken it upon himself to start running CC barefoot and has discovered this allows him to finish and not be as tired. He also joined the band at school and wants to learn to play the snare drum. Since I love music so much it has been a pleasure to see him want to learn the guitar and now the drums. His most current repertoire of guitar songs are Smoke On The Water and Ironman. He does quite well but that may be a mother's opinion.
Since I am working today, I guess I should get busy. Oh, how I will miss you my three day weekend but I am hoping you return soon.
1. I'm going to quit worrying about every dang thing and let the chips fall where they may.
2. I have never heard anyone describe me with the words adventure and daring.
3. Perhaps today you can make it a point to chat, catch up and forgive.
4. I would like to adopt and appreciate a true adventurer’s spirit.
5. Compassion is something I am not short of .
6. I will find an answer and a solution to this no matter how difficult. Because that is the kind of girl I am.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging out with the family and hopefully having a good night, tomorrow my plans include Michael getting his physical for CC and maybe some poolside activity and Sunday, I want to train with Cerina on my new road bike...we are going to try and bike 20 miles. I know I can, I know I can.
A puzzle
7 years ago