Saturday, September 11, 2010

Hitch In The Giddy Up

Well, there was not a Friday Fill In from my usual source, fill ins! So here I am exposed, naked and with no real direction. So here I go with my haphazard and impromptu update.....

Mom's second surgery (breast tissue biopsy) was performed last Thursday and the results were good and not good.
Positive part: 1. non-invasive cancer 2. lymph nodes are clean.
Negative part: Cancer is 'peppered' within her right breast therefore the biopsy margins were not clean...again.
Conclusion: She will undergo a bilateral (both) simple mastectomy next month sometime in order to remove all the affected tissue. They will be able to perform the removal and the reconstruction during the same surgery. This is good!! In other words, if one was to have breast cancer...this is the one to have. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to minimize this...simply trying to stay as positive as possible.

My Friday Fill Ins are going to be totally lame and may only contain one thing!!!!

1. As for tonight (Friday) we are going to Fall Fest to eat, play and listen to some good local music, tomorrow includes soccer, soccer and cleaning out some items we no longer use, and Sunday...continued triathlon (triathalon) training and general chilling out.

2. Why do we continue to ask the question 'why' instead of the question ' why not!'

3. With some gumption and fortitude anything (including this) is possible.


Crystal said...

Hey stranger! So sorry that I haven't been around in So I missed all the news about your mom...but I'm glad to hear that you all are staying positive. Our VP's wife just had a mastectomy a couple weeks ago. I wish this damn breast cancer would just go away already.
And triathlon training?? That was something I wanted to do for my 30th year (turned 30 in April) - so far it is not going well..actually, more like not going at all. Can you post more about it for inspiration?? ;)

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