Saturday, March 19, 2011

This Truly Is The Story Of My Life

Late again for fill ins but, as the title implies, that is truly the story of my life therefore I have decided to just embrace it! We finally made it to our weekend vacation destination around 11 eastern yesterday. Luckily the drive is less than two hours so the "are we there yet" question didn't get asked too many times. The outdoor water park is open too (well, one of them) so the boys were able to enjoy some outdoor fun yesterday and feel a little warm sun on their skin. Michael got a teensy little sunburn but it will go in by the end of the day today, I am sure. The only negative I can find is I (we) have had to endure two spring forwards in regards to time in less than a week. That is just not right!! My circadian rhythm is totally awry!!
Other than that, nothing terribly exciting to talk about. Soccer starts for both of the boys next week so that should keep things interesting and my life hopping. No complaints, everything could be a lot worse.

1. I love to go on vacation because that little get away can be totally recharging.

2. It's not the quantity of how many times you can do it, it’s the quality!

3. The last thing I had to eat was fudge cookie and a Diet Coke.

4. Always having something going on around me is no longer essential.

5. Please take a moment to imbibe whatever is happening at that moment and don't even bother questioning it... especially if it is something fantastic.

6. Charming wiles have brought you this far.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to hanging at a water park of course, tomorrow my plans include water park and water slide fun, putt putt and maybe a helicopter ride and Sunday, I want to play play play and have a safe ride home!


Unknown said...

I really enjoyed your blog. I am now a follower. Hopeing you can do the same at my blog.

Snus Girl said...

Think I need a little vacation and recharging soon :)Like your blog by the way.