Friday, February 12, 2010

Friday Finally!

1. Pickles in the sliced and fried form are my favorite!

2. Sometimes there is nothing like being at home. Other times I could just claw my way out.

3. The snow is gone except for the mulch beds on the north side of the house. Not to worry, we are expecting more Sunday night.

4. There are so many awesome things to witness in nature. Makes it hard to believe some people think it all got here by a Big Bang!

5. It's 5:16 p.m.; that means Marshall is dangerously close to getting tied up and put in a closet! :) Just kidding.

6. Discovering happiness and peace within yourself is hard to find.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I am looking forward to (and I say this loosely) going to Chuck E Cheese with the kids followed by swimming and a night at the Embassy, tomorrow my plans include eating a yummy breakfast followed by a late afternoon birthday party for my nephew and Sunday, I want to try to not do anything for the day..note to self: You are not allowed to pick up a paintbrush on Sunday!.

Another side note: It is only the trip to Chuck E Cheese that minimally excites me. I am looking forward to a night away from home and watching the kids swim.....oh.....and a trip to Target!!!

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