Tuesday, July 1, 2008

This Is How You Feed Ducks

Yesterday, I decided to take the kids to the park to feed the ducks. I rode my bike to work again, so we get out a little later than I had anticipated. Marshall loves ducks and does a quite convincing duck imitation but he has never seen a real, live duck. As soon as we got there, he started to yell...duckies....duckies over and over again. I got out a bun for Michael and one for me and Marshall to share. However, he had a different agenda. He reached for the bag and I thought..wow, he is going to do this on his own...he is sooooo smart! Apparently not sooooo smart, just soooo hungry!! He preceded to take a squat and eat his hot dog bun. Don't worry we did not use moldy bread so I just let him eat it. This is how you feed the ducks, I suppose. Note to self: Feed child before you feed the ducks!!!

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