One of my closest friends says...."You have to get mad to do it!" I am speaking of me getting soft. Not mentally or emotionally but physically. For the past few months I have been less than dedicated to exercise. This is totally opposite of how I used to be. Before I was pregnant with Marshall, I worked out every day at lunch. I was 16% body fat and that was the sole reason as to why it took me so long to get pregnant with said child. This was late 2005 and I have just not been able to get into the "regular" groove again. It would be described as "hit and miss" with more miss than hit!
Now, I am not saying I am fat or overweight...far from it. I am in the lower end of my 'accepted' weight for my height and I am a consistent size 6. But, as I tell my patients.....just because the scale measures health, doesn't mean health. The fact is I am soft and bathing suit season is...what...2 and a half weeks away? I look like hell on wheels and the spray tan is only half way helping! I equate my journey to someone trying to quit smoking. They usually fail several times before they succeed. Well, this is like my THIRD time to blog about seriously trying to get in shape. As they say, third time is a charm so I am truly going for it. I am not going to blog daily or even weekly for that matter about my work out regimen. This is more of a personal battle that must be won. I am DAMN mad about it therefore I know I will succeed. Well, that and I have downloaded some awesome music on my iPod. Either way...motivation is motivation...I just hope I don't go deaf during the process.
A puzzle
6 years ago
I am right where you are (getting soft and mad about it), guess what I did? I made it a team effort with my oldest daughter (she's 11)...and she keeps me on track. When I get home from work and seriously don't want to work out...she never fails to ask "Are we going on our jog tonight?"...and I can't let the kid down. hehe. So, we are almost 1 full week into strength training 3 days a week and doing a walk/jog 3 days a week. We have a Girl Scout waterpark day at the end of the month (5/30) I'm excited to see the progress we make in 4 weeks.
That's exactly how I got the top half of my house clean today. Now for the bottom half. . .
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