Saturday, June 7, 2008

Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

The Indiana Jones birthday sleepover went off without a hitch. The boys started out with water gun fights and playing in the water/snake pit. (child's pool) They enjoyed the kiddie pool so much, I thought....who needs a 30 thousand dollar pool when you can get one at Walmart for $12! It was quite a site seeing 7 boys in a plastic pool. I will post pics of that later. They noshed on some hot dogs and hamburgers followed by being blindfolded and putting their hands in gross textured food. ie. chocolate pudding with grapes and spaghetti with gummi worms and bugs. They loved it. After that, it was obstacle course time. This consisted of crabwalks, tires, low crawls, hoping on one foot, balance beam, rolling down the hill and the rope cross over the snake pit of death!!! This video is rather entertaining and I will try to publish it on the site, too.
The boys were up until 1 a.m. and finally went to sleep but they were all awake by 7 a.m. donning swimsuits and outside for water gun fights again. They got to eat pancakes for breakfast on the patio to be ready for pick up at 10 a.m.
This event was more enjoyable than I thought it would be. I did not even have to break up any fights or disagreements. Oh, to be a kid again!

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